Bowen Therapy Brisbane

What is Bowen Therapy?

Bowen Therapy works on the soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body. A Bowen treatment consists of sequences of small moves, each at a specific site on the body.

The Ross Emmett Technique

The EMMETT Technique of Bowen Therapy is an amazingly gentle, safe and simple-to-apply muscle release therapy. It is used to address pain and discomfort, improve body movement, restore a positive emotional state and improve the quality of life.

This internationally recognised technique developed by Ross Emmett. It is taught in over 26 countries worldwide and is equally effective on both people and animals.

How It Works

The EMMETT Technique is an understanding of the body’s response to light touch. It has been suggested that the body reacts in a similar way to the workings of a touch-screen. Small sensors allow access to the brain via the therapists’ touch. As well as the ability to directly influence muscle action, these points may have a memory and emotional attachment.


EMMETT technique is a special form of body therapy that involves application of light pressure at specific points. These can be in sequences that enable gentle release for many common conditions. The results can be dramatic even for first-time clients. Accurate and fast assessments of imbalances in the body are an integral feature of this technique.

Symptoms which have been relieved:

  • Neck and shoulder restriction
  • Lymphatic congestion and breathing
  • Migraines or cluster headaches
  • Abdominal cramps and bowel discomfort
  • Persistent heel and foot pain
  • Headaches, dizziness and sinus congestion
  • Back and hip discomfort
  • Knee and ankle restrictions
  • Discomfort during pregnancy
  • Fluid retention

Emmett Practitioners are highly adaptable to the needs of their clients. By applying the ‘Chameleon' approach, an Emmett therapist has the ability to assess and tailor the treatment according to the specific needs of each client.

The Emmett Technique is a highly effective standalone therapy or can be successfully integrated with many different modalities, such as Massage, Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy etc. People with no prior bodywork experience are also welcome.

Ev Cornelius Bowen Therapy Brisbane

Ev Cornelius practises Bowen Therapy in Brisbane, specialising in the Ross Emmett Technique.


Ev Cornelius is a Modere Distributor

Ethical, sustainable and with low environmental impact – Modere make their Personal Care, Health and Wellness, and Home Care products this way, not because it’s popular or fashionable, but because they’ve always believed it is the right thing to do – taking care of our planet while taking care of you, your family and your friends.

Tissue Salts

Tissue Salts / Cell Salts

Ev Cornelius is a distributor of DHU Dr Schuessler’s Tissue Salts.

Dr Schuessler theorised that:

  • The human body contains twelve essential mineral salts (tissue salts), a correct balance of which must be maintained to ensure normal cell function and the maintenance of good health.
  • Any disruption to this balance – and we have a situation we call “illness”.
  • A normal balance of these vital mineral salts can be re-established with the administration of the deficient mineral in a readily assimilated form, which passes rapidly into the bloodstream and therefore the cells.

His theory turned to be correct and was proven by the Biologist Guenther Stahlkopf in 1972.

As a result, this biochemical therapy has become a safe and affordable way to restore a healthy balance of natural minerals in the body for optimal health.

Contrary to popular belief, biochemic therapies are not homoeopathic remedies. This form of medicine is about:

– diagnosing which mineral salt(s) are lacking in the body

– establishing the cause

– treating by temporarily supplementing the required mineral(s)

The idea is to stimulate the cells so that they again start to absorb their necessary minerals from the diet. In this way, they can then keep up the internal consistency.


About Ev

Ev Cornelius – Bowen Therapist

Ev Cornelius, Bowen Therapist
Ev Cornelius, Bowen Therapist

Ev is a fully qualified Bowen Therapist, specialising in the Ross Emmett Technique, and joined the Bowen Therapists Federation of Australia in 1999.

Everell started out as a nurse and has since enjoyed an incredible career for over 20 years as a Health and Wellness Professional.

She loves life and people and is known for her sense of humour and fun, as well as her ability to help people to heal their injuries and recover from illnesses.

Treatments by appointment.

Contact Ev today and start feeling better!